Ich habe vor kurzem 5 Wörter gelesen, die mich dazu gebracht haben selbst mit dem Schreiben zu beginnen. Man muss dazusagen, dass ich Menschen bewundere, die mit Wörtern umgehen können. Die ganze Geschichten erzählen und damit echte Emotionen wecken. Die Vorstellung selbst zu schreiben fand ich zwar schön, aber da bleibt die Sache mit der...
March 2022
Without leaders, there are no followers. You’re a leader. We need you.(Book: Tribes: We need you to lead us – Seth Godin) Resistance cannot be seen, touched, heard, or smelled. But it can be felt. We experience it as an energy field radiating from a work-in-potential. It’s a repelling force. It’s negative. Its aim is to...
If you could choose five things that matter most to you, what would they be? Whether you realize it or not, your life will fundamentally be built off of the few things you care about the most. When it’s not, it will feel out of alignment at best, or off-the-rails at worst. Fulfillment is living...
Imagine your life in three years from now. Will you be happy you didn’t try harder in that relationship, or that you didn’t save any money, or that you wasted your time watching Netflix when you could have been writing the book or starting the business or playing music like you really want to?(Book: 101...